About Elena


I am Elena, the mother of a girl with multiple sclerosis. She was diagnosed with this illness almost 4 years ago. Everything suddenly became unknown and strange to me and my whole family. Until then, my experience with the illness was limited to friends and acquaintances, and I had never had such close contact with it before.

Entering the Unknown: My Journey with MS

All I knew about it was that it was a serious illness, that those suffering from it required aid to comfortably move around, and barely anything else.

The Weight of the First Relapse

After the first relapse (attack), our agony and, later, the fight began. And of course, “in order to be able to fight someone successfully, you must first get to know them well”.

My introduction to the illness

I did not hide my daughter’s illness. At work, everyone encouraged me, but also looked at me strangely when I said what diagnosis my daughter received. At first, I couldn’t understand that look, whether it was fear or pity, I didn’t know.

I secretly hoped someone would tell me that they knew about a cure. But that didn’t happen.

I heard somewhere that this illness can only be treated with vitamins. It was unclear to me how one could treat such a vicious disease with vitamins and supplements, and why there is no cure.

I also listened to an astrologer on television who talked about the fact that scientists will find a cure for multiple sclerosis and epilepsy in 2022.

My findings: Seeking Knowledge and Hope

Since I am an educator by profession, I started to refresh my knowledge of the biology material from high school. After that, I sought an explanation from doctors and good friends. What is myelin, what are lesions, what is demyelination, what is a relapse, and what is remission? What types of auto-immune diseases are there? I had to understand and simply familiarize myself with these things because this is knowledge I will need for the rest of my life.

Diving into Research: A Quest for Solutions

After that, I contacted all the neurologists in the country who deal with multiple sclerosis. I started following the websites of various types of MS associations worldwide, including the USA, France, Switzerland, Norway, South America, Asia, Japan, and other important international associations.

I have read and am still reading the scientific articles of all world-renowned neurologists who have dealt with this issue.

Exploring Treatment Avenues: Unveiling Possibilities

I have also heard about a bee venom-based treatment, or apitherapy, as an alternative form of treatment. And of course of stem cell treatment. I read and studied it all in detail. What are the causes of MS? And I’m still reading.

I got acquainted with the diet and nutrition that patients with multiple sclerosis should follow. Vitamins and supplements should be consumed. I learned everything about that famous vitamin D, and its importance for those suffering from MS.

About the importance of physical activity and other available treatments, such as Hyperbaric therapy, which is highly recommended.

Unveiling Global Patterns: Insights from Around the World

I searched and found a lot of significant statistical data on which parts of the world the disease is more or less prevalent, or even completely non-existent in. What does it indicate and how to interpret it?

A Journey to Share: Let’s Talk MS

My goal is to introduce you to all the information I have come across. In my blog, you can find information that was important to me. I offer them to you too, as a reason to think about a serious illness and possible directions of treatment or even cure. With my personal experience, I want to start a conversation among people dealing with MS and their loved ones.

Wishing You All the Best


e. elena@msexperiense.com

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4 thoughts on “About Elena”

  1. Hello Elena! Reading all these posts brought me back to my struggles. Twenty-eight years ago , I was diagnosed with a debilitating disease, that crushed my world. Your daughter is so much younger. I was 34, just got married, and been trying to have a baby (I was actually pregnant when I was diagnosed, and lost the pregnancy)
    My friend and I got into a car accident. Someone beat the red light. Our car got smashed. I was seated on the passenger’s side where it got the most impact.
    Of course we were brought to the hospital, no broken bones, no visible injuries. My friend was discharge d 24 hours after the observation. I was still in the hospital, couldn’t recover from the whiplash. So they did CT Scan of the head. Lo and behold, they found a lesion in my friend. MRI was done to confirm the diagnosis. For 1 and a half years I was disabled. I went through the different emotional stages before I finally had to seriously do something about my own disease. I can’t walk, but I refuse to have anybody take care of me. I wait for my husband to leave the house, then I start my own care. Painful as it is, but I have to crawl to the bathroom to do it. I would do my own self-exercises. I was very careful not to injure myself, while I do this. FOOD IS MY MEDICINE. I only eat healthy stuff. My body doesn’t like steroids. But I was placed on steroids in massive doses, and other MS prescriptions under study.
    Another doctor who believes in alternative medicine advised me todo cleansing. And to gradually wean myself of steroids. I just took myself of steroids and all the prescriptions I was taking. IT was vey painful. It took about 3 months beforeI realized a very minor improvement in my health. I am a woman of faith. I prayed as often as I breathe. My husband never saw my struggles. He will see me asleep in bed and when he comes home I am still in bed.
    There was no improvement in my MRI, I still have a huge lesions in my brain and the part that involves the locomotion. But I now can walk and is still practicing my career.

    Science has not completely unravel the entire mystery of the brain. I am a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse and I have seen a number of extremely premature babies, that had been through the ringer, with stage 4 hemorrhagic brain disorder, supposed to be discharged from the hospital, and would be having epilepsy, that are now lawyers and doctors and nurses! They not only defied science. They declared God’s magnificence!

    Unfortunately, the all-natural supplements that I used to take was now discontinued (or must have been bought by a company in Canada). It used to be own by a USA company named Symmetry. The all natural supplements called “Nutrapack” , was a major player in my healing plus the Advanced Omega, Vitamin A, D, Calcium, Magnesium citrate.

    Now I am almost 64 years old, but I don’t look like my age. My healthy food diet had kept me looking young. I just actually made 2 YouTube videos (very awkwardly done) but so you see how I really look ,


    Please share my story to your daughter. She is the only one that can help her situation. MS has no known cause and will never heal. But there is a stronger power that produces “MIRACLES “

    • My dear Maria,
      I have to admit that I have tears in my eyes while reading your story. Do I really know how my daughter feels? How do you feel after so many years? Why is life like that sometimes?
      I am a pedagogue and I work in a school. I am also a scientific researcher in the field of education and psychology. I work and write a lot and I love what I do. I advise her to write anything because writing is medicine for the soul.
      The real reason I started blogging is my daughter; my Maria. After long research about the disease, I realized that I had to find something, to create something that would provide her with some income in life. Yes, she continued her law studies (at my insistence and my pleas) and will finish in a year. But what if she can’t move in 10 years? What If she can’t get a job? What will happen to her when I and her father are gone? Who will take care of her? If I work hard on the blog, I may leave her my work as a legacy.
      She has been feeling well for the past 4 years. She controls vitamin D3 every 6 months and uses a hyperbaric chamber once a year for 20 days. We do not allow vitamin D 3 levels to be low. And, of course, she has therapy with Interferon beta 1. She adapted the menu completely to the requirements of the disease. In January 2023, they will do the magnetic resonance imaging again.
      Thank you so much for your comment!


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