Discover Your Self-Esteem – The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery is a powerful step towards personal growth and well-being. Today, we invite you to explore your self-esteem through the renowned Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. This simple yet insightful questionnaire consists of statements that delve into your perceptions and feelings about yourself. By honestly responding to each item, you’ll gain valuable insights into the foundation of your self-esteem. Take a moment to reflect on your responses and add up the points to uncover the level of your self-esteem. Whether you’re seeking self-improvement or simply curious about your own self-perception, this self-esteem test provides a valuable starting point for a deeper understanding of yourself.

Tick or circle the number next to the statement that corresponds to your level of agreement with each statement. Use the following scale: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.

After completing the test, add up the points associated with your selected responses. The higher the score, the higher your self-esteem. This simple process will provide valuable insights into your self-perception and can be a stepping stone towards personal growth and self-improvement.


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